Dr. Jerry C. Depriest

Dr. Jerry C. Depriest has served as a Pathologist of Clinical Pathology Associates for almost three decades. He attended Stephen F. Austin State University for his undergraduate, and UTMB at Galveston for Medical School. His residency was in General Medicine and then Pathology at St. Luke's Hospital in Houston. He had a fellowship in Cardiovascular Pathology at St. Luke's and Surgical Pathology at M.D. Anderson. He has served at Hendrick Medical Center as a staff Pathologist for much of his time at Clinical Pathology Associates. He most recently was serving as the Medical Laboratory Director for Fisher County and Coleman County Hospitals. His kindness, compassion, and down to earth demeaner has always been appreciated and loved. His retirement is well deserved, but he will be dearly missed. He plans to take up golfing, spend time with his wife Jody, and visit his son Frank.